Rhino Conservation Program

The poaching crisis in Africa is driven by an ever-increasing demand for rhino horn. South Africa has by far the largest population of rhinos in the world and is an incredibly important country for rhino conservation.

To combat the unprecedented rhino poaching crisis in Southern Africa, Tintswalo Safari Lodge aims to raise awareness about the poaching epidemic and provide funding and support for a variety of urgently needed anti-poaching interventions in the Manyeleti Nature Reserve, Greater Kruger National Park and the South African Wildlife College (SAWC).

The aim of this is to develop and educate the youth and communities to protect our natural resources by creating an understanding of the relationship between the nature reserve, eco-tourism & lodges, our natural heritage, the community and jobs to have a sustainable future for all. So far this program has reached roughly 800+ pupils from the 19 communities surrounding the Manyeleti Nature Reserve.

Visit the SAWC website to find out more about this charity.

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